Monday, November 1, 2010

Pamusoroyi Bvumavaranda

This blog is dedicated to the Rozvi people . It will largely address issues to do with linguistics. Sociology-linguistics and psycho-linguistics will account for, and indeed deliberately devort  and redirect creative n   . This will be within the broader realm of language as a discourse, theoretically leaning towards M.A.K Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics Theory whose focus is the exploration and analysis of language at the level of function and cognition.The perspective treats language as one , among a variety , of meaning -making repertoires (systems). It is my intention at this point, to attempt an objective engagement with scholarly persons , individual or corporate , with the ultimate objective of tapping from the wealth of knowledge that obtains within humanity in the subject in question and make an indelible contribution to a notion that has been gathering so much momentum that no mortal power can successfully resist without attracting immediate contempt from his immediate subjects, and, on a larger scale , 

This will be an introductory gesture which seeks to invite critical interrogation of theoretical underpinnings existent in the field of languages and linguistics .

The intention is to address linguistic issues , in as objective a manner as is practicable. Arears that perchance will  gain prominence in the blog will be those to do with
a) Second Language acquisition , b) Creativity and language choice , c)Independence ( self ) and linguistic competence , d) Languages - Competence Vs Perfomance , e)language policy and planning and their socio-political ramifications

The blog will attempt a consistent  and persistently unfettered presentation and discussion of the subject areas alluded to earlier on .

It is with great anticipation that I delve into this project. I also wish the blog a long life and wish that one day the ideas , concepts , and values espoused by this blog claim a share in the the progressive Apriori knowledge that continues  to inform and guide the existence of mankind on earth !